Performance Assessment


Student assessments policy and procedure

Rand International School uses multiple assessments administered over time to measure student's performance. Our purpose of assessing young children is to collect information necessary to make important decisions about their developmental and educational needs. Our assessment is an ongoing process that always enhances opportunities for optimal growth, development and learning. The process of determining individual developmental and educational needs tailors early childhood education practices and provides a template for setting individual and program goals.


Our School  Assessment system is:

       - Grounded in research;

       - Based on studies of reliability and validity;

       - Aligned with the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts, and Math and Next Generation Science  Standards

       - Performance Expectation and Disciplinary Core Ideas(NGSS).

       - Easy to manage


Assessment procedures:

     -    School assessment is administered over time. We have summative assessments that obviously show the academic progress of the students throughout the year.

     -     Each academic year consists of two semesters. Each semester is divided into three terms. Students will be having continuous assessment during each term for a total percent of 15% per term. So the grade of the first term isn't a one-day result. A final test of 20% will be due at the end of each semester.


Multi- Assessment Tools:

      Formative assessment:

    -     Formal : Test, pop quizzes

    -     Informal: class participation, daily class work, homework, foldable, group work activities (all class work activities are graded)

      Summative assessments:  



Scoring Criteria

Grade  Mark Legend

90  - 100


Exceeds Grade Level Expectations


80 - 89.90


Meets Grade Level Expectations


60 - 79.99


Approaches Grade Level Expectations


less than 60


Below Grade Level Expectations